Listen, and you will find out:
When I was Little, I was an altar server, and my parish priest asked me if I wanted to be a priest (I honestly didn´t want to), and I said: No! But after I left, I thought about it and I remember that I said to God: “if no one wants to be a priest, and you really need someone, I believe I could do it.” Later on, when I was 24 years old, that memory came to me very strong and clear, and I knew without any doubt that God was calling me to the priesthood.
This happened about a year or so after the death of my father. And I can assure you that he had an important role in all of this. Because when he died, I began to look at my life in a different way. I began to think about death, about heaven and hell. I started to think about God and my life in front of Him. In His love and His justice.
So, with the grace of God (and the tv channel of Mother Angelica), my relationship with God became more profound. Personal. As a result of this, I began to reflect about my life, and I thought more about it, I knew more that I needed to change if I wanted to please God.
So, I started praying the Rosary and I came back to the church, but with a different attitude. I can say, sincerely, that this changed my life dramatically. Little by Little, I detached myself from the sins that I used to love and for the first time I felt the desire to be a priest. But even though I had the desire, there was a moment that it was hard for me to accept it, because I wanted to get married. I remember one time I was in my car arguing with God about this matter. I clearly remember that I got mad, and I shouted: I don’t want to be a priest! I want to get married! (like a spoiled child) How much patience God had and still have with me. It is funny to see how things develop, because now, many years later, I wait impatiently for my ordination. “Nothing is impossible for God!” (Lk 1:37).
In 1997, I met Fr. Felix (general superior of the Servant Brothers) in his first trip to the United States. I spent a lot of time with them, and they impressed me. I enjoyed hearing them talk about the Home and its three missions: The defense of the Eucharist, the defense of the Honor of Our Blessed Mother, especially in the privilege of her virginity, and the conquest of the youth for Jesus Christ. I was very attracted to this charisma. So, I decided to get closer to Fr. Felix and talk with him. I need to say that the role of Fr. Felix was very special. I did not know priests like him. His love for Jesus in the Eucharist could be felt just by watching him celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Also, his love for Our Lady. All of this, added to his piety and good sense of humor, made it hard for me to decline his invitation to spent Christmas with the brothers in Spain. That sounded really good!!
When I arrived to Spain, I did not know what to expect, but I am so happy that I came because I found a piece of heaven in the eyes and the smiles of each Servant Brother and each Servant Sister. The Spirit of Our Mother really lives in the Home!
All of this, it is a gift that was given to me. To me and to many others that have known the Home, for a personal answer, very firm and brave, of a man to give his life to the Lord and to Our Mother so that we all enjoy of this great gift that is the Home of the Mother. May the Holy Trinity and Mary bless our founder for his total surrender and courage to say “yes” to the will of God! Fr. Rafael, may you, as you are, be the lighthouse that will lead us to the light of God. Be that torch that will light us in the path of holiness, and to the perfect surrender. To the perfect happiness that only God can give us. And He always does it through the humble of heart, who have made themselves one with His plan.
After spending Christmas with the Home, I went back to the United States to discern if this was truly my vocation. I spent time praying to obtain the grace of knowing and doing the Will of God, because I know myself very well. I knew that a drastic change in my lifestyle would not be easy, but my heart told me where I had to be. I was in the United States, but my heart was already in the Home.
What a weak faith we have! How easily we forget that God is absolutely in love of each of us. He only asks for one thing: accept that love, trusting in Him and in His Divine Providence. Because we can only find this peace that we are so ardently seeking in the fulfillment of His Holy Will. If God is calling you, to the priesthood or to consecrated life, do not wait. Let yourself be loved as God wants. Is God not your Father? He knows what He is doing. He himself says so: “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the LORD—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope. When you call me, and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me—oracle of the LORD—and I will change your lot; I will gather you together from all the nations and all the places to which I have banished you—oracle of the LORD—and bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you.” (Jr 29:11-14) BELIEVE IN HIM!!